Benefit Corporations are different. Benefit Corporations are for-profit companies that are under obligation to consider the impact of their decisions on society, not just on shareholders. Making a radical positive impact on society becomes part of a Benefit Corporation’s legally defined goals.
We are a Benefit Corporation with B-Corp pending certification status. In the event of Exit, the founders of LORF commit to donate at least 5% of their capital gains to projects and organizations supporting Autism. LORF, on the other hand, commits to donate a minimum of 5% of annual revenue to projects and organizations supporting Autism.
But above all, in partnership with autism organizations, LORF is committed to directly developing projects that support autistic people and their families, with particular reference to the Italian concept of support for the disabled when they lose their primary carers, known as “after us” (“dopo di noi”). loveorfriends is an app that promotes social interaction by spurring people to step out of the virtual world and meet up in the real world. The loveorfriends app is particularly useful for autistics, as a lack of social skills lies at the very heart of the autistic syndrome.
Every year, we’ll release an assessment of how we’re performing on the commitments we’ve made.

The goal is to develop a robotics workshop at which the presence of a humanoid robot will serve as a focus for children, whether differently-abled or not, to learn, develop social skills and have fun through play, while at the same time raising awareness about diversity.

As 2018 drew to a close, we launched the #WorldFriend campaign on Instagram, which seeks to underline the uniqueness of lived experiences in real life and the importance of living in the real world. The Instagram campaign involves testimonials from celebrities and ordinary people, and uses photos that aim to celebrate life in the real world and an implicitly intelligent use of social networks. The first testimonial was from top Italian sprinter Marco Torrieri.
Did you Know Autistic change the World?
Through the ages, autistic scientists, composers, artists and mathematicians haveimproved our way of life, expanding human knowledge, providing beautiful cultural works and helping bring peace. With our video “Did you know autistics change the world?”, we want to talk about Autism, its problems and potential solutions. We believe there is an opportunity to use technology to develop assisted autonomy models that can improve the quality of life of people with autism and reduce the costs to the community associated with autism.